Announcement of 2024-2025 CAAM – Stanley & Marvel Chong Scholarship Application

Merit and need-based scholarships for individuals of Chinese descent for undergraduate college tuition.

Application deadline for the school year 2024 – 2025:January 12th, 2025




An applicant must be:

  1. Of Chinese descent.
  2. A resident of Minnesota and American citizen/permanent resident.
  3. A senior in high school for the 2024-2025 year, with unweighted accumulated GPA 3.5 or above.
  4. Applicants and their families must agree and promote the vision and mission of CAAM (see details on CAAM webpage). When opportunities are present, applicants and their families are required to positively work with CAAM, CAAM CDT, and CAAM TCCLS, may not harm or tarnish its reputation under any circumstance.
  5. Need-based applicants, with unweighted accumulated GPA 3.0 or above, must provide a filled FAFSA Form or the latest 3-year Federal Tax Return Forms.


Evaluation Criteria

  1. Applicants must meet all the eligibility requirements listed above.
  2. Applicants will be evaluated on their academic records, including extra curriculums, leadership qualities.
  3. Active participation as a volunteer in any community services, especially organized, co-organized or sponsored by CAAM, CAAM CDT and CAAM TCCLS in the past five years.

Please access to the website of CAAM , CAAM CDT and CAAM TCCLS if you want to get more information about us and check if you were a student of CAAM CDT or CAAM TCCLS before.

 Application Checklist

 Applicant needs to provide:

    •    Application Form with the signature and date (Fill out and submit online at

 •    A Cover Letter and the Material Proof showing the participation of the applicant in CAAM, CAAM CDT or CAAM TCCLS events or other community volunteer services to be submitted together with the Application Form (upload online), but has to be named as follows: Last name, First name, document name (for example: Liu Aihua_Cover Letter, Liu Aihua_Recommendation Letter or Liu Aihua_Material proof). Otherwise, the application will not be accepted.

    •    The latest official transcript from the most recent school attended (should be submitted separately by the school).  

    •    Three Letters of Recommendation: at least two from teachers of the recent academic years and a mentor or advisor (Note: All the letters must be written specifically to CAAM for this scholarship and not be sent out by the applicant himself/herself; otherwise, the application will consequently NOT be considered.)

Note: An incomplete application will NOT be considered.  

How and Where to Submit Application Materials

All the application materials including Application Form, Cover Letter and Material Proof are to be submitted online at:

Transcripts are submitted by schools to:

Letters of Recommendation to:

Application Deadline: January 12, 2025

The status of the scholarship application will be notified to each applicant shortly after the application deadline, and again after application material has been reviewed, respectively.

Attention: It is the responsibility of the applicant to check if all the required documents were submitted completely before the deadline, especially about the three recommendation letters and the transcripts from the school.

Requirements for Awarded Recipients

1. Failure to maintain acceptable academic performance and exemplary behavior throughout the school year may result in the revocation of the scholarship.

2. The recipients must attend the scholarship award ceremony in person sometime between April and May 2025. Failure to attend without special reasons and without providing evidence will be regarded as rejection of the scholarship and the scholarship will be canceled.

3. The recipients will be required to provide CAAM with a recent color portrait photo and agree to publish their photos for a news report. 

4. Recipients who have not participated in community activities – organized, co-organized or sponsored by CAAM, CAAM CDT and CAAM TCCLS in the past five years will be required to commit themselves to volunteer for activities in the coming year (parents may do so instead if the recipient is out of Twin Cities area) and their scholarship will be put on hold till their commitments have been fulfilled.

The Statement

  1. Signing the application is understood as agreeing with the terms and requirements of the CAAM – Stanley & Marvel Chong Scholarship program as set forth by CAAM.
  2.  The recipients will automatically become members of CAAM with good standing after turning 18 years old; One year – CAAM membership will be offered to their parents as well.

